FROM THE VAULT: the collection that keeps on giving

The archiving has not stopped and it has become so enjoyable…….. every film tin, every box, every slide….I am finding something new everyday and it is awesome. This week, I had to attack a pallet of original art work that dated back around 30-40 years…it was referred to as junk by some, but I refused to throw anything away, I got a tone of crap from some people, but in the end, HOLY SHIT……..this pallet has everything for anyone who can appreciate the artwork of some of the greatest films from the golden age of porn. There are hundreds of original ad mats, huge hand crafted story boards, original oil paintings,( all one of a kind)!!!!! I am absolutely blown away, and would have never expected that this stuff ever existed. I am sure that some of you guys would love this stuff, especially the artists. I will have better photos soon, this is all so new!

The pallet was packed to the gills and it weighed about 2000 pounds, 4 ft x 4ft stack of paper material……-foam core, cardboard, photos, canvas, story boards. It had a very thick layer of black shrink wrap around the pallet to keep things in place during our move. It was around for about 2 weeks and I could no longer hold out on it. I knew what was on the pallet, but was in no way prepared for what we found. I am going to attach some pictures that I took with my phone and I will upload more every week. We have so many original items in our collection besides the films, including original camera equipment, the original theatrical 16 mm projectors, the original Sam Lake moviolas (that Joe and Billy Sarno worked on throughout the 80’s), an entire double glass case of  original splicing equipment, endless files, art boards, posters, sell sheets, etc. Much of my free time is spent sorting, organizing, cleaning and restoring,  and then wrapping everything in plastic, to prepare for proper storage and archiving. I even built a custom cart for the entire pallet. Enjoy the pics, more to come!!

Here are some great and important historical finds from the DISTRIBPIX archives:


PALLET OF ORIGINAL ARTWORK-ad mats, story boards, posters
PALLET OF ORIGINAL ARTWORK-ad mats, story boards, posters






'MAIL ORDER CONFIDENTIAL' original ad board from theater



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