Naughty Nurses Double Feature / Head Nurse and Nurse-Made (DVD)


The Distribpix Archives Collection

Naughty Nurses Double Feature / Head Nurse and Nurse-Made (2015)

Head Nurse, 1972 Kirt Films International

In Head Nurse, director Tim Davies takes us on a tour of NYC’s most bizarre hospital. While there are similarities to a “white coater”, it is clear that producer Jones Gregor, had other ideas?gorgeous nurses, crazed doctors, test tubes and corpses! Not too mention, one of the most unforgettable scenes involving a human skull, ever captured on film. Starring a moustache-free Harry Reems, a young Marc Stevens, and rare sex appearance by disco superstar, Andrea True. With original music by the Bushels.

Nurse-Made, 1971, Mansfield Productions

Some early sex-exploitation films have a cheap and amateurish look. Low quality audio dubbing, sloppy edits and poor lighting are just a few of the signs. Nurse-Made is the epitome of a NYC sexploitation film. Written, directed and produced by Robert B. Mansfield, this film explores a unique relationship between an ailing patient and his young nurse. Starring Jean Ashley, Lee Tucker, Dick Baker. Original music by Bob Mann. Assistant director, Gary Kahn.

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Naughty Nurses Double Feature
Naughty Nurses Double Feature / Head Nurse and Nurse-Made (DVD)
